Hangzhou Dechang Hardware Furniture Co., Ltd
Company Address: NO.8,8 Road,XiYuan XiHu Industrial Park,Sandun,Hangzhou
NO.6 XiYuan Road,West Lake Science and Technology Park,Sandun,Hangzhou
Domestic Trade: Province: 057181958309
Contact QQ: 2851675996 E-mail: 2851675996@qq.com
Domestic trade: outside the province: 057181958300
Contact QQ: 2850983790 E-mail: 2850983790@qq.com
Foreign trade: 057181958316 Contact QQ: 2850983781
E-mail: 2850983781@qq.com
Aftermarket: 13805744340
Contact QQ: 2850983732 E-mail: 2850983732@qq.com
Website: Http: //www.faltdisplay-shop.com
E-mail: hzdechang@163.com Hzdcwj@hzdcwj.com